Bonds' Ballad of the Black King and other Holiday Favorites Radio ShowRyan BrandauJanuary 17, 2022Comment
Celebrating Vaughan Williams' 150th Radio ShowRyan BrandauJanuary 17, 2022romantic, sounds choralComment
James Whitbourn's Annelies (a choral setting of The Diary of Anne Frank) Radio ShowRyan BrandauJuly 20, 2021Comment
Josquin and Fayrfax @500 Radio ShowRyan BrandauJuly 3, 2021renaissance, josquin, sounds choralComment
Moravec's Sanctuary Road: an Oratorio about the Underground Railroad Radio ShowRyan BrandauJuly 9, 2020Moravec, Sanctuary Road, oratorioComment
The Music of Thomas Tallis Radio ShowRyan BrandauMay 7, 2020sounds choral, renaissance, tallis, spem in allium Comments
The Christmas Music of J.S. Bach Part 2 Radio ShowRyan BrandauApril 18, 2020bach, early music, baroque, christmas, sounds choralComment
The Christmas Music of J.S. Bach Part 1 Radio ShowRyan BrandauApril 18, 2020sounds choral, bach, baroque, early music, christmasComment
Christmas Favorites Radio ShowRyan BrandauApril 18, 2020sounds choral, medieval, renaissance, baroque, holiday, christmasComment
Westminster Kantorei's album, Lumina Radio ShowRyan BrandauApril 17, 2020Kantorei, sounds choral, quist, early music, baroque, renaissanceComment
The Music of Cambridge Radio ShowRyan BrandauApril 17, 2020cambridge, early music, renaissance, baroque, sounds choralComment