SCORE and PART - Auld Lang Syne for SSA and harp

SCORE and PART - Auld Lang Syne for SSA and harp


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A warm and especially moving arrangement of the Scottish ballad for New Year’s Eve, which combines the second tune with the well known first tune. Perfect as penultimate number or as an encore.

Duration: ~ 4:00

Also available with harp and strings.

Also available for SATB with full (modern) orchestra, and Baroque chamber (Messiah) orchestra, and in a variety of simpler accompaniments.

Available as a movement within Joy to the World: a Christmas Suite

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FULL SCORE - Auld Lang Syne for SATB, OB (or CL), TPT, harp, organ, and strings

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VOCAL SCORE - Auld Lang Syne for SATB and orchestra

josh-hild-_TuI8tZHlk4-unsplash.jpg Auld Lang Syne for SATB and orchestra Perusal.jpg

FULL SCORE - Auld Lang Syne for SATB and orchestra
